Sixpenny Handley

The village of Sixpenny Handley in the beautiful county of Dorset, England is on Cranborne Chase, a chalk plateau that is part of the English Chalk Formation, an area of 379 square miles designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. A settlement here would have been reliant on the agricultural lands but a series of fires has wiped out much of the heritage of this village. The fire of 1892 destroyed nearly everything and today the 13th century church is a rare reminder of the past.


Sixpenny Handley has ample amenities and shops as well as pubs and eateries, with further developed towns nearby offering additional choices plus visitor and cultural attractions. This is a traditional Dorset village proud of its various garden events that are held throughout the year, including; the vibrant, annual Flower Show which attracts large numbers of visitors from across the county. Many who visit come for the tranquil walks and diverse wildlife, flora and fauna.

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