Saint Columb

The town of St. Columb in the scenic county of Cornwall is home to the unusually large St. Columb parish church of St. Columba. The church has a four-tier tower and is an impressive building that was proposed as the cathedral of the future diocese of Cornwall in 1860; but nearby Truro was chosen instead. The church has fine brasses, and a wooden screen by the architect George Fellowes Prynne. The associated St. Columba's Well in the hamlet of Ruthvoes just outside the town, is said be where the saint was beheaded. History and heritage in the town and area attract visitors whilst the breathtaking landscapes bring those with a love of nature and outdoor adventures.


St. Columb is set amidst majestic landscapes and offers a wealth of attractions, historic sites and glorious scenery. The town has plenty of amenities, shops, pubs and eateries as well as places of interest, historic sites and cultural attractions too. Twice a year, the town hosts the "Hurling the Silver Ball" event that brings crowds to witness and participate in this rowdy, medieval game. It is played on Shrove Tuesday and again 11 days later, with two teams of several hundred people who try to carry a silver painted ball through goals that are two miles apart. An ancient game that used to be common in this area, it is now only played here and in St. Ives.

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