
The small village of Northop in Flintshire, Wales lies close to the border with Chester in England and has a rich history revealed in its architecture; covering more than 800 years of development. The towering medieval church is probably the most notable landmark in Northop; standing at the heart of the village, the church of St. Eurgain and St. Peter is on a site thought to have had a church since the 6th century. Evidence suggests that the stone church was built in Northop during the 12th century, with the tower of 98 feet high being completed in 1571. Additional work was carried out on the church of St. Eurgain and St. Peter during the 19th century and it is classified now as a Grade I listed building.


The village has ample amenities and pubs and is within easy reach of other settlements offering additional choices for leisure, shopping and dining. For outdoor enthusiasts, anglers, walkers and cyclists, Northop and the surrounding area offer plenty to see, do and enjoy. There is a wealth of diverse landscapes to explore with fascinating and beautiful flora, fauna and wildlife habitats.

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