Nether Kellet

Nether Kellet is a village in Lancashire in the north west of England. This is a small village with a population of approximately 700 people, which is situated within a knot of rural towns and villages between Lancaster and the Lake District. There are two large, but now disused, limestone quarries close by, which along with farming, once contributed significantly to the industrial significance of the area and produced a picturesque landscape of small and attractive dwellings. Although small in itself, Nether Kellet is a pleasant place to visit or to pass through on a country walk, with close proximity with the various larger towns, cities and tourist attractions in the region.

One of the 51 "Thankful Villages", Nether Kellett sent 21 men to fight in the Great War of 1914-1918, all of whom returned home alive. Neighbouring Arkholme is coincidentally another, having sent 59 men.


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