
The village of Flimwell is located in a protected Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the pretty county of East Sussex where it meets the garden county of Kent. The past was not always as tranquil as it is now in the village; in 1264 some 300 local people were beheaded in Yellowcoat Wood by the Royal Army of King Henry III after a dispute in which the King’s cook was killed by local men. Today though, visitors come to enjoy the diverse wildlife, flora fauna and spectacular views east towards Hawkhurst and north-west towards Bewl Bridge Resevoir.


The village has some amenities and businesses and there are further developed towns nearby offering additional choice for shopping, dining and attractions. Walkers, nature lovers and bird watchers come here to enjoy the National Pinetum collection of pine trees on the Goudhurst Road with its long woodland walks through the forest as it reaches to Hawkhurst in the east and Goudhurst to the north from Flimwell.

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