Camber Rye

The village of Camber in the pretty county of East Sussex lies behind the sand dunes at the estuary of the River Rother in an area of diverse wildlife habitats, flora and fauna along with wonderful views. From its early days as a fishermen’s settlement, Camber has developed to become a popular holiday resort that became well known in the late 19th century for its golf course, the Rye Golf Links on the dunes. The first hotel to accommodate visitors, the Royal William, opened in 1894 followed the next year by the opening of the Rye and Camber Tramway. Camber has its more ancient history too; Camber Castle which is also known as Winchelsea Castle was built in the 16th century.


Camber has ample amenities, shops, eateries and attractions along with sites of interest. The village forms part of the Site of Special Scientific Interest known as Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay that brings visitors throughout the year to explore this site of national biological and geological importance that includes shingle, salt marsh, sand dunes and saline lagoons. Each year Camber celebrates with the colourful Rhythm Riot Festival in November; reported to be one of the biggest rock 'n roll festivals in Europe.

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