
Birthplace of world renowned fashion designer, Betty Jackson, whose father owned a shoe shop in the town, Bacup is among a group of more remote towns and villages in a forested part of rural Lancashire, high in the South Pennines known as Rossendale. The town was also once home to Beatrix Potter who lived among the textile workers. 

Although some of the town has been redeveloped and is mostly commuter town now, Bacup was declared the best preserved cotton town in England by English Heritage. Bacup is largely a conserved town famous for its special architectural attributes. It is prettily situated in the steep-sided Irwell Valley and is a popular destination owing to its historic character, cultural interest, festivities and location.

Showing 13 to 13 of 13 results for Bacup

  • 8a Union Street

    Bacup, OL13 0AA

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